Don't tell Regal he's an underdog...

Purchased off a meat truck at an auction in the winter of 2007, who knew that the skinny, unbroke thoroughbred standing in the mud that December morning would be such a lifechanger...his talent, heart, and trust amaze me every day. Look around my blog and you'll find more about Regal and my story, where we're from, and the big places we want to go...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wierd Weather and Slow Days...

I sit here on the eve of June 2011 and am amazed by two things: one, that there are dark, formidable clouds overhead, and I am crossing my fingers that summer finally stays, and two, how quickly time is passing and how often things change. I can't help that the desire to compete is still there, or that I still wistfully stalk eventing nation and the USEA website and look at the events I would be attending. But I am happy. Regal is looking fatter than he has all year, and that is actually a really good thing!! If you only knew the struggle to keep weight on this horse...haha. I think Regal is happy, and that is my main concern. He has felt fabulous under saddle lately.

Since there aren't any jumps at our new place, I've decided (well, been forced haha) to focus more on dressage. I actually don't mind this at all, and I'm hoping that I can actually take a few dressage lessons here and there and perhaps hit a few dressage shows this summer. Regal's movement has been so amazing lately, I literally almost can't ride it! I'm a bit out of shape, I will admit, but I'm working on it ;) Regal has just been so excited to go to work every day, he begs to leave his stall, grabs the bit when I hold it out for him, and wants to go to work. The first day I went back to my serious sitting trot work, I think my whole body cramped :( We have also been spending some time trying to get off the property. We made it to the trails once so far, and Regal had a blast, but was quite confused as to where all the obstacles were! I found a nice little hill to let him gallop on, and I could tell he was pretty happy to get to stretch his legs. We take little daily outing down the road by our facility, and Regal is just happy as can be, wandering along with his ears perked up, trying to stop and eat grass like a sour trail horse!!

I'm waiting for Regal to get his feet done before I resume any serious work with him, and I'm trying to set some goals for us this summer so I have something to work towards!! Always looking to the future and keeping it positive :)

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